Commercial Support - Romania
Str. Petru Poni, nr. 14A, Sector 1, Bucuresti, ROMANIA Telephone: +40 (0)21 223 01 75 +40 (0)21 223 01 76 +40 (0)317 10 40 90 Fax: +40 (0)21 222 55 98 Contact: Please send your requests by email or by phone to +40 (0)21 223 01 75. One of our specialists will contact you asap.
Samba Skills
With Samba we have quite strong experience, the biggest network that we manage consists of 26 Samba servers with LDAP backends located in 26 cities in Romania, with more than 1500 users (workstations).
Business Skills
We are an 1996 based IT services company in Bucharest, Romania. We are installing/using/recommend Samba since 2.0.x . We are actually installing/using /recommend a whole range of Linux opensource software, including Web servers, email servers, IP PBX, and so on.ROTAX Software Design, Ltd.
18 Diligentei Street 100575 Ploiesti, Romania +40.244.511566 Tiberiu Dragulinescu
Samba Experience:
Servers: Linux & Samba 1.9.16 and above
Clients: MS Client for DOS 3.0, LanMan Client 2.xx,
WfW, Windows'95, Windows NT