s.p.b.ProvisionBackend(object) : class documentation

Part of samba.provision.backend View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: samba.provision.backend.ExistingBackend, samba.provision.backend.LDAPBackend, samba.provision.backend.LDBBackend

No class docstring
Method __init__ Provision a backend for samba4
Method init Initialize the backend.
Method start Start the backend.
Method shutdown Shutdown the backend.
Method post_setup Post setup.
def __init__(self, backend_type, paths=None, lp=None, credentials=None, names=None, logger=None):
Provision a backend for samba4
def init(self):
Initialize the backend.
def start(self):
Start the backend.
def shutdown(self):
Shutdown the backend.
def post_setup(self):
Post setup.
API Documentation for Samba, generated by pydoctor at 2011-12-08 20:23:28.