s.k.NTDSConnection(object) : class documentation

Part of samba.kcc_utils View In Hierarchy

Class defines a nTDSConnection found under a DSA
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Debug dump string output of NTDSConnection object
Method load_connection Given a NTDSConnection object with an prior initialization for the object's DN, search for the DN and load attributes from the samdb.
Method commit_connection Given a NTDSConnection object that is not committed in the sam database, perform a commit action.
Method is_schedule_minimum_once_per_week Returns True if our schedule includes at least one replication interval within the week. False otherwise
Method convert_schedule_to_repltimes No summary
Method is_rodc_topology Returns True if NTDS Connection specifies RODC topology only
Method is_enabled Returns True if NTDS Connection is enabled
Method get_from_dnstr Return fromServer dn string attribute
def __init__(self, dnstr):
def __str__(self):
Debug dump string output of NTDSConnection object
def load_connection(self, samdb):
Given a NTDSConnection object with an prior initialization for the object's DN, search for the DN and load attributes from the samdb.
def commit_connection(self, samdb):
Given a NTDSConnection object that is not committed in the sam database, perform a commit action.
def is_schedule_minimum_once_per_week(self):
Returns True if our schedule includes at least one replication interval within the week. False otherwise
def convert_schedule_to_repltimes(self):
Convert NTDS Connection schedule to replTime schedule. NTDS Connection schedule slots are double the size of the replTime slots but the top portion of the NTDS Connection schedule slot (4 most significant bits in uchar) are unused. The 4 least significant bits have the same (15 minute interval) bit positions as replTimes. We thus pack two elements of the NTDS Connection schedule slots into one element of the replTimes slot If no schedule appears in NTDS Connection then a default of 0x11 is set in each replTimes slot as per behaviour noted in a Windows DC. That default would cause replication within the last 15 minutes of each hour.
def is_rodc_topology(self):
Returns True if NTDS Connection specifies RODC topology only
def is_enabled(self):
Returns True if NTDS Connection is enabled
def get_from_dnstr(self):
Return fromServer dn string attribute
API Documentation for Samba, generated by pydoctor at 2011-12-08 20:23:28.