s.sites : module documentation

Part of samba

Manipulating sites.
Class SiteException Base element for Sites errors
Class SiteNotFoundException Raised when the site is not found and it's expected to exists.
Class SiteAlreadyExistsException Raised when the site is not found and it's expected not to exists.
Class SiteServerNotEmptyException Raised when the site still has servers attached.
Function create_site Create a site
Function delete_site Delete a site
def create_site(samdb, configDn, siteName):
Create a site
ParameterssamdbA samdb connection
configDnThe DN of the configuration partition
siteNameName of the site to create
ReturnsTrue upon success
RaisesSiteAlreadyExistsif the site to be created already exists.
def delete_site(samdb, configDn, siteName):
Delete a site
ParameterssamdbA samdb connection
configDnThe DN of the configuration partition
siteNameName of the site to delete
ReturnsTrue upon success
RaisesSiteNotFoundExceptionif the site to be deleted do not exists.
SiteServerNotEmptyif the site has still servers in it.
API Documentation for Samba, generated by pydoctor at 2012-03-06 23:17:58.