s._glue : module documentation

Part of samba

Python bindings for miscellaneous Samba functions.
Function generate_random_password generate_random_password(min, max) -> string Generate random password with a length >= min and <= max.
Function nttime2string nttime2string(nttime) -> string
Function set_debug_level set debug level
Function get_debug_level get debug level
Function strstr_m (for testing) find one string in another with Samba's strstr_m()
Function generate_random_str generate_random_str(len) -> string Generate random string with specified length.
Function unix2nttime unix2nttime(timestamp) -> nttime
Function strcasecmp_m (for testing) compare two strings using Samba's strcasecmp_m()
Function interface_ips get interface IP address list
Function nttime2unix nttime2unix(nttime) -> timestamp
def generate_random_password():
generate_random_password(min, max) -> string Generate random password with a length >= min and <= max.
def nttime2string():
nttime2string(nttime) -> string
def set_debug_level():
set debug level
def get_debug_level():
get debug level
def strstr_m():
(for testing) find one string in another with Samba's strstr_m()
def generate_random_str():
generate_random_str(len) -> string Generate random string with specified length.
def unix2nttime():
unix2nttime(timestamp) -> nttime
def strcasecmp_m():
(for testing) compare two strings using Samba's strcasecmp_m()
def interface_ips():
get interface IP address list
def nttime2unix():
nttime2unix(nttime) -> timestamp
API Documentation for Samba, generated by pydoctor at 2012-03-06 23:17:58.