Object for performing a walk of commits in a store.

Walker objects are initialized with a store and other options and can then be treated as iterators of Commit objects.

Method __init__ Constructor.
Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method _path_matches Undocumented
Method _change_matches Undocumented
Method _should_return Determine if a walk entry should be returned..
Method _next Undocumented
Method _reorder Possibly reorder a results iterator.
def __init__(self, store, include, exclude=None, order=ORDER_DATE, reverse=False, max_entries=None, paths=None, rename_detector=None, follow=False, since=None, until=None, get_parents=lambda commit: commit.parents, queue_cls=_CommitTimeQueue):
ParametersstoreObjectStore instance for looking up objects.
includeIterable of SHAs of commits to include along with their ancestors.
excludeIterable of SHAs of commits to exclude along with their ancestors, overriding includes.
orderORDER_* constant specifying the order of results. Anything other than ORDER_DATE may result in O(n) memory usage.
reverseIf True, reverse the order of output, requiring O(n) memory.
max_entriesThe maximum number of entries to yield, or None for no limit.
pathsIterable of file or subtree paths to show entries for.
rename_detectordiff.RenameDetector object for detecting renames.
followIf True, follow path across renames/copies. Forces a default rename_detector.
sinceTimestamp to list commits after.
untilTimestamp to list commits before.
get_parentsMethod to retrieve the parents of a commit
queue_clsA class to use for a queue of commits, supporting the iterator protocol. The constructor takes a single argument, the Walker.
def _path_matches(self, changed_path):
def _change_matches(self, change):
def _should_return(self, entry):
Determine if a walk entry should be returned..
ParametersentryThe WalkEntry to consider.
ReturnsTrue if the WalkEntry should be returned by this walk, or False otherwise (e.g. if it doesn't match any requested paths).
def _next(self):
def _reorder(self, results):
Possibly reorder a results iterator.
ParametersresultsAn iterator of WalkEntry objects, in the order returned from the queue_cls.
ReturnsAn iterator or list of WalkEntry objects, in the order required by the Walker.
def __iter__(self):
API Documentation for Dulwich, generated by pydoctor at 2018-11-17 19:05:54.