Object specification.
Function to_bytes Undocumented
Function parse_object Parse a string referring to an object.
Function parse_tree Parse a string referring to a tree.
Function parse_ref Parse a string referring to a reference.
Function parse_reftuple Parse a reftuple spec.
Function parse_reftuples Parse a list of reftuple specs to a list of reftuples.
Function parse_refs Parse a list of refspecs to a list of refs.
Function parse_commit_range Parse a string referring to a range of commits.
Function parse_commit Parse a string referring to a single commit.
def to_bytes(text):
def parse_object(repo, objectish):
Parse a string referring to an object.
ParametersrepoA Repo object
objectishA string referring to an object
ReturnsA git object
RaisesKeyErrorIf the object can not be found
def parse_tree(repo, treeish):
Parse a string referring to a tree.
ParametersrepoA Repo object
treeishA string referring to a tree
ReturnsA git object
RaisesKeyErrorIf the object can not be found
def parse_ref(container, refspec):
Parse a string referring to a reference.
ParameterscontainerA RefsContainer object
refspecA string referring to a ref
ReturnsA ref
RaisesKeyErrorIf the ref can not be found
def parse_reftuple(lh_container, rh_container, refspec):
Parse a reftuple spec.
Parameterslh_containerA RefsContainer object
hh_containerA RefsContainer object
refspecA string
ReturnsA tuple with left and right ref
RaisesKeyErrorIf one of the refs can not be found
def parse_reftuples(lh_container, rh_container, refspecs):
Parse a list of reftuple specs to a list of reftuples.
Parameterslh_containerA RefsContainer object
hh_containerA RefsContainer object
refspecsA list of refspecs or a string
ReturnsA list of refs
RaisesKeyErrorIf one of the refs can not be found
def parse_refs(container, refspecs):
Parse a list of refspecs to a list of refs.
ParameterscontainerA RefsContainer object
refspecsA list of refspecs or a string
ReturnsA list of refs
RaisesKeyErrorIf one of the refs can not be found
def parse_commit_range(repo, committishs):
Parse a string referring to a range of commits.
ParametersrepoA Repo object
committishsA string referring to a range of commits.
ReturnsAn iterator over Commit objects
RaisesKeyErrorWhen the reference commits can not be found
ValueErrorIf the range can not be parsed
def parse_commit(repo, committish):
Parse a string referring to a single commit.
ParametersrepoA` Repo` object
commitishA string referring to a single commit.
ReturnsA Commit object
RaisesKeyErrorWhen the reference commits can not be found
ValueErrorIf the range can not be parsed
API Documentation for Dulwich, generated by pydoctor at 2018-11-17 19:05:54.