Known subclasses: dulwich.config.ConfigDict, dulwich.config.StackedConfig

A Git configuration.
Method get Retrieve the contents of a configuration setting.
Method get_boolean Retrieve a configuration setting as boolean.
Method set Set a configuration value.
Method iteritems Iterate over the configuration pairs for a specific section.
Method itersections Iterate over the sections.
Method has_section Check if a specified section exists.
def get(self, section, name):
Retrieve the contents of a configuration setting.
ParameterssectionTuple with section name and optional subsection namee
subsectionSubsection name
ReturnsContents of the setting
RaisesKeyErrorif the value is not set
def get_boolean(self, section, name, default=None):
Retrieve a configuration setting as boolean.
ParameterssectionTuple with section name and optional subsection namee
nameName of the setting, including section and possible subsection.
ReturnsContents of the setting
RaisesKeyErrorif the value is not set
def set(self, section, name, value):
Set a configuration value.
ParameterssectionTuple with section name and optional subsection namee
nameName of the configuration value, including section and optional subsection
Value of the setting
def iteritems(self, section):
Iterate over the configuration pairs for a specific section.
ParameterssectionTuple with section name and optional subsection namee
ReturnsIterator over (name, value) pairs
def itersections(self):
Iterate over the sections.
ReturnsIterator over section tuples
def has_section(self, name):
Check if a specified section exists.
ParametersnameName of section to check for
Returnsboolean indicating whether the section exists
API Documentation for Dulwich, generated by pydoctor at 2018-11-17 19:05:54.