m.MAVLink_local_position_setpoint_set_message(MAVLink_message) : class documentation

Part of mavlink View In Hierarchy

Set the setpoint for a local position controller. This is the
position in local coordinates the MAV should fly to. This message is
sent by the path/waypoint planner to the onboard position controller.
As some MAVs have a degree of freedom in yaw (e.g. all
helicopters/quadrotors), the desired yaw angle is part of the
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method pack Undocumented

Inherited from MAVLink_message:

Method get_msgbuf Undocumented
Method get_header Undocumented
Method get_payload Undocumented
Method get_crc Undocumented
Method get_fieldnames Undocumented
Method get_type Undocumented
Method get_msgId Undocumented
Method get_srcSystem Undocumented
Method get_srcComponent Undocumented
Method get_seq Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
def __init__(self, target_system, target_component, x, y, z, yaw):
def pack(self, mav):
API Documentation for PyMAVLink, generated by pydoctor at 2011-08-20 08:50:37.