Pack index that is stored entirely in memory.
Method __init__ Create a new MemoryPackIndex.
Method get_pack_checksum Return the SHA1 checksum stored for the corresponding packfile.
Method __len__ Return the number of entries in this pack index.
Method object_sha1 Return the SHA1 corresponding to the index in the pack file.
Method iterentries Iterate over the entries in this pack index.
Method _object_index See object_index.
Method _itersha Yield all the SHA1's of the objects in the index, sorted.

Inherited from PackIndex:

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __ne__ Undocumented
Method __iter__ Iterate over the SHAs in this pack.
Method object_index Return the index in to the corresponding packfile for the object.
Method objects_sha1 Return the hex SHA1 over all the shas of all objects in this pack.
def __init__(self, entries, pack_checksum=None):
Create a new MemoryPackIndex.
ParametersentriesSequence of name, idx, crc32 (sorted)
pack_checksumOptional pack checksum
def get_pack_checksum(self):
Return the SHA1 checksum stored for the corresponding packfile.
Returns20-byte binary digest
def __len__(self):
Return the number of entries in this pack index.
def _object_index(self, sha):
See object_index.
ParametersshaA binary SHA string. (20 characters long)_
def object_sha1(self, index):
Return the SHA1 corresponding to the index in the pack file.
def _itersha(self):
Yield all the SHA1's of the objects in the index, sorted.
def iterentries(self):
Iterate over the entries in this pack index.
Returnsiterator over tuples with object name, offset in packfile and crc32 checksum.
API Documentation for Dulwich, generated by pydoctor at 2018-11-17 19:05:54.