dulwich.tests.utils module

Utility functions common to Dulwich tests.

dulwich.tests.utils.build_commit_graph(object_store, commit_spec, trees=None, attrs=None)

Build a commit graph from a concise specification.

Sample usage: >>> c1, c2, c3 = build_commit_graph(store, [[1], [2, 1], [3, 1, 2]]) >>> store[store[c3].parents[0]] == c1 True >>> store[store[c3].parents[1]] == c2 True

If not otherwise specified, commits will refer to the empty tree and have commit times increasing in the same order as the commit spec.

  • object_store – An ObjectStore to commit objects to.
  • commit_spec – An iterable of iterables of ints defining the commit graph. Each entry defines one commit, and entries must be in topological order. The first element of each entry is a commit number, and the remaining elements are its parents. The commit numbers are only meaningful for the call to make_commits; since real commit objects are created, they will get created with real, opaque SHAs.
  • trees – An optional dict of commit number -> tree spec for building trees for commits. The tree spec is an iterable of (path, blob, mode) or (path, blob) entries; if mode is omitted, it defaults to the normal file mode (0100644).
  • attrs – A dict of commit number -> (dict of attribute -> value) for assigning additional values to the commits.

The list of commit objects created.


ValueError – If an undefined commit identifier is listed as a parent.

dulwich.tests.utils.build_pack(f, objects_spec, store=None)

Write test pack data from a concise spec.

  • f – A file-like object to write the pack to.
  • objects_spec

    A list of (type_num, obj). For non-delta types, obj is the string of that object’s data. For delta types, obj is a tuple of (base, data), where:

    • base can be either an index in objects_spec of the base for that
    • delta; or for a ref delta, a SHA, in which case the resulting pack
    • will be thin and the base will be an external ref.
    • data is a string of the full, non-deltified data for that object.

    Note that offsets/refs and deltas are computed within this function.

  • store – An optional ObjectStore for looking up external refs.

A list of tuples in the order specified by objects_spec: (offset, type num, data, sha, CRC32)

dulwich.tests.utils.ext_functest_builder(method, func)

Generate a test method that tests the given extension function.

This is intended to generate test methods that test both a pure-Python version and an extension version using common test code. The extension test will raise SkipTest if the extension is not found.

Sample usage:

class MyTest(TestCase);
def _do_some_test(self, func_impl):
self.assertEqual(‘foo’, func_impl())

test_foo = functest_builder(_do_some_test, foo_py) test_foo_extension = ext_functest_builder(_do_some_test, _foo_c)

  • method – The method to run. It must must two parameters, self and the function implementation to test.
  • func – The function implementation to pass to method.
dulwich.tests.utils.functest_builder(method, func)

Generate a test method that tests the given function.


Make a Commit object with a default set of members.

Parameters:attrs – dict of attributes to overwrite from the default values.
Returns:A newly initialized Commit object.
dulwich.tests.utils.make_object(cls, **attrs)

Make an object for testing and assign some members.

This method creates a new subclass to allow arbitrary attribute reassignment, which is not otherwise possible with objects having __slots__.

Parameters:attrs – dict of attributes to set on the new object.
Returns:A newly initialized object of type cls.
dulwich.tests.utils.make_tag(target, **attrs)

Make a Tag object with a default set of values.

  • target – object to be tagged (Commit, Blob, Tree, etc)
  • attrs – dict of attributes to overwrite from the default values.

A newly initialized Tag object.

dulwich.tests.utils.open_repo(name, temp_dir=None)

Open a copy of a repo in a temporary directory.

Use this function for accessing repos in dulwich/tests/data/repos to avoid accidentally or intentionally modifying those repos in place. Use tear_down_repo to delete any temp files created.

  • name – The name of the repository, relative to dulwich/tests/data/repos
  • temp_dir – temporary directory to initialize to. If not provided, a temporary directory will be created.

An initialized Repo object that lives in a temporary directory.


Wrap warnings.showwarning with code that records warnings.


Tear down a test repository.